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meet the team.

We are Kate Troutman and Daniel Ramirez, and we founded Dekko Architecture in 2018. We are an architecture, design and construction studio. We are young, passionate and flexible.

edifcio entre patios 2021.jpg


The values of our team are based on those of one who loves what they do; enjoy our work and always give our best. To do this, we begin every new project by analyzing each aspect to understand its unique challenges. This implies thinking about the context, not only from its physical aspect, but also from its specific historical context. The latter is our engine; understand how our design impacts the environment and how we can contribute to it. From there, we begin to analyze the specific needs of our client and how they will use the space we are designing. This allows us to provide the best possible solution to the challenge given to us. We understand that a building’s life cycle only begins when the architects leave, and that is why we strive to consider both our environmental impact and the lifestyles of our clients.

design principles.

The idea of our designs is to offer a quality product, founded on the need to create architecture that allows those who inhabit it to fully develop and grow over time. However, we know that our responsibility and our impact are greater. Our designs must be durable, economically and environmentally responsible, but above all of excellent construction and spatial quality. We are proud and happy to be able to deliver a product that makes our clients look and feel pleased.

"A building's life cycle only begins when the architects leave"

cause no unnecessary harm.

We know that the construction industry, to which we belong, is highly responsibility for the pollution and destruction of the environment, and because of this, we work tirelessly to care for, respect and enhance the natural environment that welcomes and surrounds us .Our work uses design as a tool to care for and work with the environment in as many ways as we can. However, we recognize that this is not enough, and that is why we seek to be efficient and responsible when building, implementing the construction techniques that are least harmful to the environment, and nourishing our designs with local materials that cause the least damage. We know that there is still much to do.

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